Friday, September 7, 2007

Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginning's End

Song of the moment: Beautiful- India Arie
Dose of amusement:
this is one of my life goals, mmm tango threesome
Foucault quote of the day:
"Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same."

Well my friends, I managed to make it home safe and sound and ridiculously jet-lagged last night. Not sleeping for 27 hours is rather rough. Despite being exhausted I could hardly sleep, my poor body is so so confused. Oh the joys of jetlag.

My 17 hrs of travel began at the lovely hr of 5 am. I had to take a cab to the train station and to get to the gate where the cab was meeting me I had to walk across the entire grounds in pitch black. It was absolutely creepy, there was only a slight bit of moonlight and I could barely see a foot in front of me. I just looked up at the stars for comfort, they were beautiful. Oh how I miss them in Chicago.

Then I took the train to Paris. By sheer luck I wasn't sitting in anyone's seat. There were 3 different numbers on my ticket and I had no friggin clue how to figure out what they were telling me. The cars were labeled 51-60 and 60-71, every other car. I had a 68 on my ticket so I got on a 60-71 car but then I couldn't find the row or seat. I honestly thought I was on drugs, but I swear the row numbers are in no particular order either ascending or descending. There would be 2, 28, 10, 42. It was insane. Plus if every other car was 60-71 and there were 20 cars total how was I supposed to know which one my seat was on? So, boggled by the fact that even though numbers were the same in english and french I still managed to be confused I sat down by a lady who looked like she wouldn't bite and hoped for the best. It panned out okay.

Next was the metro. Oh the joys of the metro. I couldn't mess up the first metro because I was at the end of the line, so any train I hopped on took me in the right direction. I liked those odds. The next train was rough with 6 different options for the same colored line. Having to carry my suitcase up and down over 150 stairs amidst hundreds of rush-hour Parisians, due to broken escalators, to make this precarious decision was indeed a good time. Fortunately, I got the courage to just ask one of the many soilders who were at the metro station keeping order or something and he pointed me in the right direction. Go my poor but sufficient french! The train was only labeled with numbers so when it came I just hopped on it and hoped for the best. It was an express train apparently and took me straight to the airport. An amusing strike of luck. The most amusing thing was that 5 different people asked me in french how to get me to the airport. Even the natives can't figure it out! Ha!

Once at the airport I had to go to 4 different checkpoints BEFORE I got to security, asking me questions about the contents of my bags. One woman even asked me to name the brand of my hairspray. Fortunately, I left my nuclear weapons at home and eventually collapsed at my gate with two hours to spare and a sigh of relief. I'm proud I finally figured the public transportation thing out.

After 8 hrs of a screaming child sitting next to me (and you know how much I hate children, but the Abbey has inspired this zen like state and I actually didn't even say anything or get that upset, it was a miracle. watching ryan gosling also helped :p) and the hell that is U.S. customs I welcomed myself back into the U.S. with a potbelly's chocolate shake to kill the time I had before my last flight. And now here I sit, glad to be home in CO.

The experience still feels like it could have all been a dream. I seemed to suddenly fall into another world for almost two weeks, struggle, grow, and return relatively unscathed and slightly transformed. I know this all seems foolish because it was such a short trip, but sometimes the best things come in small packages. This has been a really rough summer and the trip was exactly what the doctor ordered. It's crazy to think I just hap-hazardly threw myself into another country and in the process learned a lot about the philosopher I love and about myself. I now have a new appreciation and understanding for everyone who studied abroad. Not that I didn't before, but to go for a mere two weeks and realize what a life changing experience my short trip was, I can't imagine how phenomenal a whole quarter must have been. Kudos to you kids.

It is so empowering to remember, as good ole Leibniz is famous for saying, that we live in a world of infinite possible worlds. There are endless worlds out there and endless possibilities. Of course money is always a catch but to think that in 24 hours you could wake up in a different world and a different life is an exciting thing. Regardless of what happens in our immediate world there are infinite worlds in which we can grow and explore. If everything seems lost, it is necessary to remember what a small piece of the actual world that is. To know that I can go to a completely foreign place, not speak a word, and yet somehow find profound happiness is an amazing thing. I know have the confidence that I can go to a completely different world and survive and adapt. The world is my oyster.

Perhaps this trip was like the man and the mailbox, it was great and inspiring because I so badly needed and wanted it to be. Regardless, it was and I feel much happier, stronger, and smarter because of it. Somewhere in a foreign place, maybe in the garden, far away from everything I know, I found a piece of me that had been missing. Hopefully I'll let my renewed passion for exploration and learning be my refuge and my reminder to live for the moment in the upcoming year. Sometimes we have to go far away to find a source of happiness and strength that has been in us all along.

Well, that is my semi-sappy close. This has been a phenomenal experience which I am so fortunate to have had. More importantly, I am so blessed to have such wonderful people to share it with. I didn't put this up on facebook or anything like that because I knew it would be an immense opportunity to learn and grow and I wanted to share that personal experience only with those I truly care about. I would honestly put myself in front of a truck for each and every one of you kids. Thanks for your love, support, and the willingness to read more about my trip than you would probably ever care to. I hope it at least put a smile on your face or brought you a tad of amusement.

With that, I sign of on what will be my last and final entry. Tragic, I know. But I have faith you will survive and youtube is always an unending source of entertainment if you should need some consolation. What a great journey this has been, but I'm confident it's only the beginning. Here's to a great senior year! Au revoir!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see...

Song of the moment: Breakaway- Kelly Clarkson
Dose of amusement:
this is sweeeeet. so is this.
Foucault quote of the day:
"Stones can make people knowable and docile."


Yeah that sums it up. I just can't believe I'm going home tomorrow. Or actually in 8 hrs to be more specific. Today has reminded me of oh how much I hate saying goodbye.

Fortunately my last day of research was immensely productive. I finished going through everything I needed before lunch so I got to enjoy the afternoon listening to a few lectures for fun. Haha yes, I know I'm a huge dork, but what a once in a life time opportunity this is. A free trip to see the world's largest archives for my favorite philosopher? And as fate would have it, I actually stumbled upon some stuff that is quite helpful on accident in those lectures, so everything was fantastic. After studying, I paid my bill and organized to have a cab pick me up in the morning (at 6 am...dread).

It was sad leaving the library, honestly I wish you could see it in person. Its one of the most inspiring places I've been to, you feel more scholarly from the moment you enter. Then I spent the rest of the evening until dinner sitting in the garden, reading, and reflecting. I couldn't have thought of a more perfect way to draw a close to my stay here.

Dinner was fantastic and occurred in french, english, italian, and spanish. So I was 2 and 2 for the night, not bad. But it was phenomenal. Everyone was so kind and the conversation was just miraculous, one of the best I've had in my life. It has been a gift to be surrounded by some of the best Foucault minds in the world. We all exchanged emails and then I spoke with the British woman for another hour after and she cried when we said goodbye! I couldn't believe it. It made me cry too. Even though I had only known her for a few days we seemed to connect instantly. She said I was like a daughter to her. Who would have ever thought I could come half way around the world, and in but a week and a half meet some of the most beautiful souls I have met in my life? Amazing.

Well, I think my title about sums things up. I feel like another woman, a more enlightened and happier woman. But I will save a sappy sentimental email for when I return. I have 12 hrs on a plane and 3 hrs of public transportation (which will hopefully go much more smoothly than the first time :p) so I need my sleep. I arrive at 8 pm mountain time tomorrow and I will write one last email as a reflection on my trip after I have recovered with some much needed sleep on friday. Yes this is the warning that the last email will be introspective and cheesy, but such is life. I figure it will be less so if I get a little sleep before writing it.

Well please keep me in your thoughts as I travel tomorrow and thank you all for you love and support. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends. I didn't put this up on facebk or anything because I knew it would be a big experience in my life despite it's short duration and I wanted to share it with the people I care about most. So thank you for letting me do so. I would honestly put myself in front of a bus for any one of you kids. Well home here I come...

...grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me revoir!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My words are but dreams, nothing more...

Song of the moment: In this Life- Chantal Kreviazuk
Dose of amusement:
this my friends is a slightly old but interesting article, because it hits close to home and it raises some really interesting questions about scientific ethics, gender ethics, gender theory, political correctness and where they all intersect. we should all talk about this in person sometime.
Foucault quote of the day:
There are volumes and volumes of books about desire...but when people want to speak about pleasure they become mute...that’s too bad! *hysterical laughter*

The title of this post is one of my favorite Sartre quotes from Nausea. It's a fantastic book, is short and is fiction and you should definitely read it some time. Anywho, that's my plug.

Sadly this email will be a bit on the short side because I sat in a library all day. I know, I'm such a party animal. But actually it was glorious. I've finished reading most of what I need to, although I will have a decently full day ahead of me tomorrow. I think that when I leave thursday I will know everything there is to know about my topic, seriously. So today I sat, staring at the beautiful Abbey ceiling and listening to Foucault lectures. The above quote was one of my favorites. He's quite the amusing guy. Once I started to laugh and didn't catch myself entirely in and everyone looked at me. Oh well, it was worth it and everyone already thinks I'm the silly American girl so no harm done.

The highlight of today certainly was my continued communication break through. The British woman is absolutely wonderful. I think we talked for a total of 5 hrs today and it was just amazing, the kind of intellectual stimulation one can only dream of. Plus it was spiced up with hilarious British expressions like "coot" i told him he could "stuff it" and of course "bloody hell." Intense philosophic convos spiced with humor is intellectual intercourse at its finest. I also discovered another librarian speaks spanish so I'm definitely in! It's so sad that I'm discovering all these wonderful people last minute, but rather late than never.

As I approach my last day I'm kind of torn. I really long to go home and am home sick for familiarity, but at the same time this has been such a phenomenal experience (at times phenomenally frightening, but still worth it). For two weeks I was able to taste what it's like to be a doctoral student and despite that thought of the future I think I have been able to live more for the moment than I ever have in my life.

The insightful Sam Goldstein (aka vagsam) after observing that I'm one who worries about things years ahead of time and is a compulsive planner, said that that's why I must love dance so much because it is my time to really live for the moment. How right she is. It's all about that moment and that song. You can just be, there, with the music, and that is more than enough. That moment is totally in and of itself. I can just dance and be. Happiness realized instead of something I'm looking for in the future. I guess in that sense, this week and a half has been a dance for me. Perhaps not all enjoyable but it was very much so in the moment. For once I was able to forget about the difficult year we have ahead, foolish personal things, and just be about myself, my studies, and a bit of my own enlightenment. I found my happiness in understanding someone for the first time, my books, the garden.

On that bit of a sentimental note I leave you with this thought experiment (sorry I'm so full of them these days...and perhaps always :p). Imagine yourself without a future or with out a past. The only thing you know about yourself and this world is what you have at this very moment.

Suddenly, although you are standing in the same place and you look the same, you are living in another world. Its funny how past and present events, illusionary things which have come or will come somehow dictate the right now. A mere thought changes your very essence and current state. The past and present are but stories and I leave you with Sartre's challenge from Nausea upon this realization:

This is what I thought: for the most banal event to become an adventure, you must (and this is enough) begin to recount it. This is what fools people: a man is always a teller of tales, he lives surrounded by his stories and the stories of others, he sees everything that happens to him through them; and he tries to live his own life as if he were telling a story. But you have to choose: live or tell.

Live or tell, that is the question. Living for the moment, takes more courage than living for the future.

Well my friends, welcome to the world of my thoughts. I'm going to leave you with that and take a break by eating coconut ice cream which is to my delight wildly popular here in france (it's my favorite!) and watching a movie I will deny because it will undermine the credibility of anything I've written.

Also as a note- I just wanted to thank all of you who have given me such kind an insightful comments on my ramblings. To be a philosopher in the words of my advisor Mark Sheldon is to as questions everyone else is afraid to ask, to ask why something is the way it is when everyone else merely assumes its cause. In that respect, as brilliant individuals, you would all make brilliant philosophers. So if you would ever like to talk philosophy with me, I promise to leave my theory, thesis, and knowledge of specific authors at the door and we can just talk about questions like this and then we are all on the same page, honestly. These questions are interesting and exciting and no one needs experience to ask or discuss them. Good night!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Crepes, Castles, and Cute Shoes oh my!

Song of the moment: (and one of my fav songs ever) Body Pillow- Atmosphere
Dose of amusement:
Sadly I'm related to this one. But after these videos I deny that he's my brother. (you only need to watch the firsr 20 secs of the second one cause it's repeated)
Foucault quote of the day:
The lyricism of marginality may find inspiration in the image of the ''outlaw,'' the great social nomad, who prowls on the confines of a docile, frightened order.

Okay, I'm going to kick things off with the best and most impressive part of my day, what I ate today:

Ham and cheese baguette
Choclate Eclair
Ham and cheese croissant
Ham, cheese, and egg crepe
Dessert crepe with mint ice cream, chocolate, and almonds

If I come back heavier it will be the most worth wile thing I've done :p Actually the list is long because I found out last minute that I was eating dinner with my french friends and had already eaten a partial dinner. I've trained myself to abandon my old lady eating at 5:30 ways and bumped it back to 7 or 7:30 but 8:30 is still rough. Any the actual events of the day, even though my gluttonous ramblings are entertaining I'm sure.

Today I was woken up prematurely by some construction conveniently occurring outside my window, this coming after I had stayed up until 2 doing work made it all the more unwelcome. Regardless, I took the opportunity to get an early start on my day of exploration! I hopped on the bus and was off to explore Caen. I'm quite proud of myself because I finally have the buses figured out a least *knock on wood that I won't mess things up on the way home.* First I saw the castle of William the Conqueror, who founded the city of Caen. The castle is right smack dab in the middle of the city and tons of shops and restaurants just seem to fall in place around it. A majority of the pics I've attached are of the castle, and the one with the cathedral is the St. Pierre Cathedral from the view on the top of the castle.

Then I walked around the city and shopped and ate. Sadly the shopping part didn't go to well, in fact I didn't buy a single thing. It turns out most shops aren't open on mondays in Caen, I missed the memo on that one, and the only ones that were really open were pharmacies and really really expensive boutiques. Sadly, a plain tank top for $80 isn't in my price range. I still had fun looking though, the clothing was beautiful, and I compensated by getting dessert :)

Next, I went the WWII memorial, which is seen in the remaining pictures above. Seeing the exhibit cost over $30 for students, man I'm just getting out priced today, so I decided to wander around the beautiful gardens around it instead. Ooo and I almost forgot, I was mistaken for a french person today, sadly it was by british tourists, so it wasn't too legit. But I was in a store and in broken french (which was as pathetic as i'm sure my own must be) they told me they don't speak french but pointed to something on a map as if to ask for directions. I just smiled and sadly didn't have enough french under my belt to pull off the act. Oh well, at least I don't visually stick out like a sore thumb. I'm french as long as I don't speak :P

Overall, I consider the day to be quite a success, I managed to successfully navigate public transportation and see all the sights in Caen. I returned to do some work, seriously I've been a machine here. My evening then concluded with the quite sad parting with my french friends. I took them out to dinner to thank them for all of their kindness. The great thing about having two people from the area take you out to dinner is that they know the best place to go! It was the best crepe place ever, better than I could have imagined. We ate crepes, drank famous normandy cider, and talked about culture, life, and the future. It was indeed a beautiful thing. The funny thing is that the restaurant was english-friendly and had poor english translations of the food on the menu. And the one dessert crepe I wanted happened to be the only thing on the entire menu who's title was in english "the 5'oclock." Don't let the terrible name deceive you though: mint ice cream, chocolate, almonds, and whipped cream on a crepe is heaven. Ehoran and his gf teased me, asking if I was getting it because it was the only thing I could pronounce. To prove them wrong, I asked for the bill and talked with the waiter a bit in french after they had coaxed me into doing so. Saying goodbye was such a sad thing. Even though I only knew them for a few days they really took me under their wings, no questions asked, and were so warm and caring. What a blessing. And all of this at their last weekend at home, before moving to Paris. Words cannot possibly express my gratitude. This really has been a monumental experience for me, partly thanks to them, and I will never forget them and that gift.

In other, less sentimental news, after tonight, I have the kiss kiss thing down which I'm quite stoked about. So if anyone would like to greet me that way, I will accept. Also, I'm no longer alone at the abbey! Today to people, who speak english came! I met the first, an Italian man also studying Foucault as I was running to the store. I saw him and did my usual "Bonjour" and then lowered my head so as to avoid further conversation. And he said "Hi!" And I was like, wait...I understand that...was my bonjour really that bad? It turns out the woman Estelle who works in the office told him that I'm studying Foucault as well and that he should talk to me because I've been lonely all week! It was so sweet of her and he and I had a great chat. I can't wait to finally talk Foucault with someone! Joy! The other scholar is a cute woman, originally from the UK but now studying in Capetown. I saw her in the kitchen and she started to greet me in french. I dismally replied "I don't speak french" in french to which she said "Oh well bloody hell then...good, we can speak in english." Heaven love the brits. Even more impressive is that she read articles by our very own mr. david spett which he wrote on tm in capetown! What a small world huh?

Well I am deathly tired and stuffed with good food, so it's off to bed for me. I need strength and strong french coffee to get me through 8 + hrs at the library tomorrow.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Shun the non believers, shuuunnnn....

Song of the moment: Acoustic #3- Goo Goo Dolls
Dose of amusement:
Look, a leoplurodon! (enjoy if you haven't seen it already)
Foucault quote of the day:
Chance does not speak essentially through words nor can it be seen in their convolution. It is the eruption of language, its sudden appearance. It's not a night twinkle with stars, an illuminated sleep, nor a drowsy vigil. It is the very edge of consciousness.

Today was a ridiculously uneventful yet productive day. I worked all day long so I can go explore Caen tomorrow, it's my goal to see William the Conqueror's Castle, the WWII memorial, and to shop of course! I did most of my reading in the garden which was absolutely beautiful and peaceful. Despite the looming stress of the year ahead, sitting in that garden with nothing but sunshine, philosophy, and flowers life seems so much simpler. I guess sometimes we have to get away from our self to return to our self.

Since I pathetically have nothing else to report for the day I'm going to go back on my word, yep you heard it here first. I promised I wouldn't talk philosophy again, well I lied. Whoops, don't you hate it when that happens. But this won't be a long rant of any sorts, just 3 random existential interjections, some food for thought. So many of you were so kind about my thesis, that I figure you can forgive me.

Being alone this weekend, although today I was joined today by a choir group of some sorts (it's 4 people who are staying here and singing in a room. Random.), has put me in a more existential mood than normal. Here's what's on my mind:

1) I'd like to share with you a bit of a thought experiment that my thesis advisor shared with me on the first day of our Existentialism freshman seminar that forever impacted my world view and caused me to have one of those cliched moments: on the first day of class I knew I wanted to be a philosophy major. Here it is:

She told us that she had a neighbor, and every day this neighbor would go outside early in the morning and put a letter in his mailbox. Then, later that same afternoon, he would return to his mailbox and would be astonished at what he had found: a letter had written to himself.

She then went on to say that we are ALL that man. We all put meaning into the world and then are delighted at the meaning which we have found.


If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. It really isn't that profound either, but until it's brought to your attention, it's something you never really think about. There's nothing inherently beautiful about mountains or my cute pink blog, we determine whether or not we like something or think it is beautiful. That is why everyone has different opinions, the same fruit will be sweet to one and bitter to another. Here my friends is the existential crisis: you awake to find yourself in a world which has no meaning. Objects, your actions, you = meaningless. However, I actually find it empowering because we have the power to interpret and give meaning to the world around us. You can always choose how you insert meaning into the world.

Okay, that was a brief intro to existentialism. If you're interested it's better we do coffee than I continue.

2) I wrote this a yr ago, but it's def my fav. existential passage thus far. I think you'll enjoy it.

3) Writing this blog makes me such a being-for-others, sartre would def hate me. That is Sartrean terminology which means that I am viewing my existence through and for the perception of others. Instead of simply being and creating meaning in the world, I see myself an object of the perception of others. Even though a blog is an obvious example of this, it inevitably occurs through small acts every day. Regardless, I have put a smile on your face it's worth it :p

Well those are my random mental wanderings. My apologies if they're incoherent, I just wanted to throw some ideas out instead of give a comprehensive description, cause heaven knows that would take ages.

Attached are some random pics of the grounds around the Abbey. The first pic is interesting because if you look closely you'll notice it's a part of the building that hasn't been renovated and still has original damage from world war II. It's also part of the building i'm staying in. It gives it that rustic feel :p Au revoir, I'll write after tomorrow's explorations!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The old lie: dulce et decorum est pro patria mori...

Song of the moment: The General- Dispatch
Dose of amusement: I'm hot cause i'm fly, you ain't cause you not
Foucault quote of the day: The strategic adversary is fascism... the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.

Being at the d-day beaches today really made me think of that poem. But before I give you the run down on that, first things first, last night!

Last night my chef friend Ehoarn picked me up and took me out with his friends, it was a ton of fun. We went to this place to play pool, but it wasn't skecthy like in the US. When I think of pool in the US I think biker bars and all that, but this was all ages and they had dessert. It was pretty cool. His girlfriend (that's right his girlfriend for all of you who have been asking if I'd hook up with him, no!!!) and another of his friends spoke english so it was really nice. The rest didn't so we couldn't really talk but it's okay I don't think they teased me too badly and I was able to understand some of what they were saying. Then we went to the beach, which was actually one of the beaches from d-day, but basically all of the beaches on the coast of northern france are. I don't know how to explain it but his friends were all really goofy, when we got to the beach there were hills of sand and they were rolling around and then jumped in the water. They're my age so I was a bit confused by their behavior and some of what they were saying which seemed to indicate they were younger, but that's boys these days huh ladies? :p It was so nice to see the city at night and to get a little taste of the life there, so I was immensely grateful to him for befriending me no questions asked.

The only draw back of the night was that in France, and many european countries, the way girls say goodbye to everyone is to do the kiss kiss thing. I was petrified. So I had to go down a long line (8 people!!!) and basically kiss everyone goodbye, it was so awkward. Fortunately, my friend's girlfriend had given me the down low on how to properly greet someone and say goodbye. When I met her, without thinking I foolishly went to shake her hand, it's just a habit and I know that women don't shake hands to greet eachother in France, and I scared her. It was kind of funny, but I felt bad. Attached is a pic of the two of them, Ehoarn and his gf, upon lauren's request.

Then today they took me to the beaches, sadly we couldn't go to the american beaches and the cemetery because they were too far away and they both are moving to paris on monday so they couldn't spend the whole day. I just can't believe how nice they were, it was their last weekend at home and here they are spending it with me. Part of me feels guilty for being close and not going, but for me to go on my own would cost $100 in cab fairs because buses don't run on the weekend and even when they do during the week it's terribly difficult. Regardless, I'm glad to have gotten a taste of the beaches and i'll have to come back someday. Anywho, so we went to Gold Beach instead, which was where primarily british troops deployed on d-day. Visiting the beaches reaffirmed that I am not a history buff, but I do remember the basics.

Many people have told me that the beaches have a very eerie feeling and that you have a sense that many people died even if you didn't know the history. For this beach at least, I didn't find it to be the case. There were tons of houses and shops lining the beach and it seemed no different from any other. Children were even swimming in the water, around some of the remnants of docks or an extended shoreline of sorts built by the troops in world war two because the shore line eroded too easily to anchor ships and what not. (yeah that explanation is coming from ehoarn, clearly I know nothing about war artillery etc) So I'm not sure, however, I think it's impossible to divorce our knowledge of history or really anything else (culture, feelings) from our perceptions of events or places so I'm not sure I can agree with the the people who have told me that. It was also very interesting to get the french perspective. They have grown up near the d-day beaches and take vacations to them on holidays, he said he always forgets that 60 years ago there was a war there with people dying. I have a lot of anti war sentiments that being at the beaches today reaffirmed but I haven't the strength for a rant of that magnitude at the moment. I will say, however, to look down miles and miles of coast and try to envision bodies lining the shore, you can't help but be disgusted that our current foreign policy seems to have learned nothing from a tragedy this profound.

Then we saw a a short war movie in this cool 360 panoramic thing that was supposed to give you the feeling that you were there. It was kind of like IMAX but in a circular fashion. Even though I hate doing touristy things it was pretty cool and I needed it to ground me and remind me of the tragedy and historical significance of the place around me. Ehoarn and I laughed during a good part of it though because it's really funny to watch and to watch other people watching because you constantly have to turn in circles to see everything. Every image and picture was 360 degrees so it was as if you were there and turning in a circle. Technology these days.

On the way back we pulled over by some hitch hikers, and I was like "surely we're not going to pick them up" both because who does that??? and because her car was terribly small and they were terribly not so. But apparently we did, so we pulled over and I spent the rest of the trip with two french people practically in my lap. But it was okay, they seemed to be nice and were very clean and what not, not like what you'd think of in the US. Then Ehoarn's gf and I went to dinner at the only restaurant near the Abbey because Ehoaran had to go to a movie with his mom. The restaurant was sadly an italian place, but it was good none the less.

Sorry my email wasn't terribly exciting but as my trip goes on, I'm becoming more exhausted with every passing day. Attached are pics of a random castle (they are all over the place, one of the many perks of having french guides, they told me about everything that we passed) and then pics from gold beach. the black things in the water are remnants of structures build in WWII, as I mentioned earlier, so they could dock boats and unload artillery because the shore wasn't strong enough to support it.

Well, I bid thee all goodnight. It's a bit lonely here at the Abbey because while I have been metaphorically and linguistically alone all week I am literally alone now. I'm the only person staying here this weekend. It's kind of cool though to pretend I have a castle of sorts to myself. Ever since I was four I wanted to live in a castle, maybe this is as close as I get.

Friday, August 31, 2007

You Can't Stop the Beat!

Song of the moment: Semi-Charmed Life
Dose of amusement: Down with August!
Foucault quote of the day: With these themes of surveillance, and especially in the schools, it seems that control over sexuality becomes inscribed in architecture. In the Military Schools, the very walls speak the struggle against homosexuality and masturbation.

Okay, so maybe I danced to that this morning, maybe I like Hairspray (but hate John Travolta), and
maybe I have a crush on Zac Efron (only in hairspray, hs musical is too lame and unattractive, unless you're lauren :p)...they blured out the tongue.

Any who...on a brief technical note, everyone has been telling me that the pics don't work via email and that the email also doesn't have spacing between paras. I'm wretchedly sorry about all of this. I've been trying to fix it, even putting 2 spaces between paras but alas it won't work. (damn you must seriously hate me for that one yesterday if had no spacing!) I think your best bet is just to go to and then everything is there all beautiful and um space-y!

Life in my world has been pretty good thus far every day I make small strides which feel like miraculous communication breakthroughs. Last night I got the courage to introduce myself to one of the scholars. French people really don't say hi to you, my friend the chef who speaks english told me that if you want to be included in a conversation you just have to jump in. It took me a while to figure this out, then I realized brand new people at the table who didn't know I didn't speak french (because I hadn't uttered a word in their presence would never say hi to me) wouldn't say a thing to me. Once I started talking to him he was so nice and he speaks some english. I've also found that the harder the subject matter the more cognates there are. So we actually talked about politics, and how the stock market sucks right now in the U.S. it was great! Then after dinner he sang in italian! Since we're in an abby the acoustics are amazing. It was the most random thing, right after dinner the man just bursts out in song upon noticing an echo. Delightful!

Today the guy who was translating Foucault into Chinese, who I mentioned earlier left and I was actually sad to see him go. Over the past couple days we really talked a lot and even though it was really broken little by little we understood each other. I used the really crappy to write him a goodbye/thank you letter and he was so happy he almost cried! It was so cute. And then I realized that Deleuze (a pretty sweet french philosopher) wrote about Foucault and visibility, kind of like i'm doing in my thesis but much more intensely, and it turns out he translated that book in chinese! So after a whole week of trying we had this huge break through and he understood exactly what I was talking about! We missed an hour of working at the library talking about the projects we're working on. I know that this might sound trivial but when you finally understand someone after a week of trying, about a subject we're both passionate about, it's great! It will never cease to amuse me how many cognates there are in hardcore philosophical vocab. So basically I can discuss Sartre's phenomenology with people, but we can't talk about what we ate for dinner.

The rest of the day was spent researching and then I ventured to the grocery store for dinner. Sadly, the grocery store is no longer my friend. I went at 5, when people had just gotten off of work and it was so crowded and more indimidating. Trying to figure out what things are is immensely immusing, but I have chicken, bread and brie down oh and diet coke with lime. Then on my way home I stopped at this cute little bakery and I got a strawberry tart. It was almost as much as my dinner but it was worth every penny, one of the best things I've eaten. Although not speaking french makes me terribly rude, I just have to point at what I want like a child. :p

Well I must be off because my French friend the chef is taking me out with his friends. He said they all want to meet someone who speaks english. I'm really excited. We're all going for dessert and then to the beach! Attached are pics of the abbey, the outside of where I'm studying! Au revoir!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Song of the moment: Whirlwind- Dispatch
Dose of amusement: my heroes.
Foucault quote of the day: It’s a machine in which everyone is caught, those who exercise power just as much as those over whom it is exercised. This seems to me to be the characteristic of the societies installed in the nineteenth century. Power is no longer substantially identified with an individual who possesses or exercises it by right of birth; it becomes a machinery that no one owns.

Haha, okay if that dorky attempt at a Foucault joke wasn't warning enough here's your official disclaimer: this is that email where I hook you up with the down low on Foucault. Don't worry it won't be intense or anything, but I figure since he's the reason I'm here it would make sense to just give a basic run down of what I'm doin exactly. I'm even currently dressed for this momentous occasion. Yep, I'm wearin that sexy little number and it's hotter than the 7 black dresses I own. Yeah I own that many.

Well here we go, and for those of you who hate when I talk philosophy enjoy this cause you can shut me up with just one click, but that wouldn't be very nice to Monsieur Foucault. My finger puppet agrees. Yeah I own one.

For my thesis, as I mentioned and sent the wikipedia link earlier, I'm writing on the French post-modern philosopher/historian/genealogist Michel Foucault. I'm focusing on one of his more popular books Discipline and Punish. Here are two short youtube videos (5 mins each) that basically give you a run down with some cool pics and Foucault's cute english. Here's a bit of a simple thought experiment to wrap your mind around what Foucault is talking about:


Let’s say it’s four o’clock in the morning and you find yourself driving in a small town. It is still dark outside and there is no one in the car with you, nor is there another car in sight. You are completely alone on the road and you have been for the entirety of your journey. As you approach an intersection and notice you have the red light you slow down and come to a stop. Even though there are no cars for miles in any direction, you stop. Perhaps you do so grudgingly or your mind momentarily considers not stopping. Yet, your first impulse is to stop and you do. Moreover, not only to you stop but you wait, you hesitate. Something keeps you at that stop light while thoughts pass through your mind: Is it really necessary for me to stop? There’s no one around, should I just go ahead? Time drags on as these questions go through your mind. Maybe you go before the light turns green. Maybe you stay.

There is not something about the stop light that physically forced you to stop. It is not an untenable wall in your path. It’s a symbol, one of many we encounter everyday, to which we have been taught to respond. We stop without even thinking. Everyone stops not only because they fear getting in an accident but also because they fear getting caught. At any moment a police officer could catch you or there’s the chance the intersection has cameras which monitor traffic. In this simple commonplace event, we are able to see a way in which we become objects of scrutiny. We live a field of surveillance, always aware of the potential to be watched, to be caught, even if no one is actually watching. It is that awareness which makes us stop at a stoplight at four in the morning when no one is around. Even in absence of a verifiable form of scrutiny or the actual presence of an individual, we are constantly aware of the potential to be observed. This fear then seems to be something we have internalized. We have become our own police, our own discipline.

Whatever it is that makes you stop at a stoplight at four in the morning when no one is around is one way to begin thinking about central questions Foucault explores in Discipline and Punishment. Foucault is interested in the “what”: the complex forces that make you stop; the forces that make you aware of surveillance and of punishment.


Foucault uses what has become an extremely popular metaphor to explore these forces: the Panopticon, a prison designed by Jeremy Bentham, which was never fully implemented. The pic in the link will help this make sense, but basically there's a central tower and all the cells face in to the tower. The prisoners cannot see each other or anything else, only the tower, and the tower is designed as such that the guards can at all times see all the prisoners but the prisoners can never see the guard in the tower. Bentham argues that the genius behind this is that there then doesn't even need to be a guard in the tower because the prisoners will discipline themselves because at any given moment, they know they could be watched-- the potential threat of observation like with the stop light. Foucault then uses this as a metaphor for our society as a whole. The stoplight would just be one example of how we are aware of the potential thread of surveillance in our daily lives. Basically, society is one big panopticon, of course in a non literal sense.

In my thesis I deal directly with this metaphor and I will argue that it should be interpreted in a non-literal sense, meaning that we de-emphasize the visual element. I know, wtf matey, huh? Meaning I don't think we should say we are living in a panoptic society because of the literal ability to be seen. There are different ways we can become "visual" or legible to power. For example, if you're writing a paper for a prof, while you're writing you're constantly thinking "Will the prof like this? Is this making sense? Will I get an A? Do I sound smart?" etc. While writing you paper there is [hopefully] no way your prof could see you. Unlike with the stop light, you're not worried about a camera or being visible, you're worried about inteligibilty, the ability to be understood. And you are constantly discilplining yourself, being your own police, with the potential threat of being misunderstood. Even thought the prof isn't there, you're changing your behavior based on what you think he or she might think of your paper.

Perhaps to make it a bit clearer, the panopticon has become a really popular subject in the U.S. There are a ridiculous amount of articles that say "look my bosses' desk is in the middle and we're all sitting around it in the work is the panopticon!" I'm going to argue against those people. Foucault's metaphor, I believe, isn't about actual architecture, spacial arrangement, or the the ability to see someone with your eye. Power relations are more complex than that and we're missing the picture if we think Foucault is just talking about videocameras and desks. It's the way we've been disciplined to sit, talk, act, think, or even communicate with our professors.

Okay now look at the cute monkies and don't hate me. There you go, now you're thinking about cute monkies and your mind can relax or do whatever it does when it thinks about monkies ;)

Well I hope you can forgive me, and if you can't remember it was voluntary and this is really important to me and the reason I'm in another country where don't speak a word. I promise this will be the only email of it's kind, and thanks for letting me share my project which I'm really passionate and excited about. If you have any q's do ask and if you want to learn more I have a cute intro to Foucault book you're welcome to borrow that you could read in under 40 mins and has tons and tons of fun pictures. Peace out!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Amo espanol tanto como amo Diego Luna

Song of the moment:
God's Bathroom Floor- Atmosphere
Dose of amusement:
As I gladly return to embrace my caffeine addiction, these might help you kick yours
Foucault quote of the day:
"There is no need for arms, physical violence, which each individual under its weight will end by interiorizing to the point that he is his own overseer, each individual thus exercising this surveillance over, and against, himself. A superb formula: power exercised continuously and for what turns out to be a minimal cost."

Well I'm not going to lie, I doubt that the title of this post is correct but either way today sure made me love Spanish.

Fortunately, I have managed to find a time to eat breakfast when no one else comes, so I can just read and eat in solitude without having to utter I don't speak French. I've grown rather weary of the word. Regardless, today was a much better day! The woman who speaks spanish worked again and we had such a good conversation, my spanish is ridiculously rusty but speaking with her made me feel fluent because I was finally able to ask all these questions that the french language barrier had prevented. I saved myself some money by explaining to her how the other women kept telling me I need to pay 40 euro, the annual fee to the library but since I would only be there for two weeks it was cheaper for me to pay the weekly fee, which the other women didn't understand. She also finally helped me find a huge section of audio tapes and another Foucault book section I didn't even know existed. It was just so wonderful to talk to someone and be understood. Coming here has really made life a lot simpler in the happiness department. If someone understands me, then I consider it to be a good day. I always forget life's small but pleasurable daily victories.

I also met a scholar at lunch who spoke english and was so nice to me. Sadly, she was only at the library for that day. And even though she had a ton of work to do, she told me to please ask her for help if there was anything I didn't understand. It was just the nicest thing in the world. I didn't trouble her because the offer was enough to make my day.

Finally, in my third and proudest communication victory of the day I made a friend! The chef I had mentioned earlier, who clarified that contrary to popular belief I'm not hired help, had several nice conversations with me in english. We talked and laughed, and I realized that it is something I haven't done in days: had a real conversation with someone. I know, this serves me right for being far too talkative for my own good all my life.

Before dinner I sat out in the garden an read. It was absolutely beautiful. All the pics I've included today are from it, so you can check it out for yourself. The chef also told me that all the fruits and vegetables they use to cook come from the garden, isn't that awesome?

Today has also led me to believe that the dinner hour is a torture device. Honestly, it is just cruel for me to sit for an hour and fifteen minutes only understanding the last names of my favorite authors! Foucault, Sartre, Camus, Deleuze, Derrida...It's like a contest to see how many of my favorite authors they can name and discuss and I have no idea what they're saying. Regardless, I just sit in silence the entire time and wish I understood. Now if Paul is out there reading this, I know he's saying to himself "it's about damn time you learned to keep your mouth shut for that long woman." Ah yes perhaps he is right; as the juliana theroy says "the silence is a secret, a weapon in disguise, listen to the silence, open up your eyes." Oh well, even though I feel I have taken a vow of silence for two weeks, I agree as does each one of you who knows me, that it's probably a good thing :p As a side note- the French are ridiculously polite at dinner. Before eating anything, they first offer to serve everyone else and everyone waits for the rest to finish a course before moving on to the next one. This only worsens my predicament because I really want to be polite and offer them things but I don't know how to, so my inadequacy is mistaken for rudeness. I've tried gesturing inquisitively with the wine bottle but sometimes they don't understand. I have also learned that salad is eaten after the main course, I must have missed the memo on that.

Well sorry for a lack luster email, hopefully the beauty of the garden will compensate for my sleepiness.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"The more you drink the better your studying will go"

Song of the moment: Wade in the Water- Eva Cassidy. I'd like to dedicate that one to my lindy partners in crime Marina and Tom. It's fitting cause it was my first day in the abbey and it sure was baptism by fire.
Dose of amusement: this comes recommended by my friend Henry. enjoy.
Foucault quote of the day: "The prison, that darkest region in the apparatus of justice, is the place where the power to punish, which no longer dares to manifest itself openly, silently organizes a field of objectivity in which punishment will be able to function openly as treatment and the sentence can be inscribed among the discourses of knowledge."

I woke up this morning with a bit of a mental hang over, you know that feeling when you awake and wonder if you really hooked up with that guy last night. Induced by jet lag, I wondered was I really in France? Indeed, I am, yesterday wasn’t a dream. After a pump up dance in my room I felt ready to meet the scholars.

I was the first person at breakfast and one of the chefs greeted me and then started talking to me excitedly. I told her my standard line “I’m sorry but I don’t speak French.” She laughs at me as if I was kidding and asks me to follow her upstairs. Confused, I followed. She introduced me to the chef and when she told him that I told her I didn’t speak English he went off on a rant which seemed to say “they sent us a german?” I was so confused, I just wanted to eat breakfast. Fortunately, they grabbed a chef who appeared to be my age, and not too bad looking, who had just gotten back from studying a year in America. He explained that she thought I was hired help, who was working at lunch, and apologized. After that slight ordeal, I was glad to have gotten though eating breakfast in silence. The only other scholar who came said bonjour and left me to my book, which I was quite happy about.

Next hurdle of the day was the library. It was actually quite a pleasant surprise. Two of the librarians speak English and the other speaks Spanish! I was so happy I could have cried. I had a very funny conversation with the woman in Spanish who said she didn’t blame me for not learning French because Spanish was definitely a better choice. :p The library itself is also quite beautiful! Here are some pictures of it online. I didn’t want to be the silly American girl taking pictures while everyone was studying. The archives are all in a beautifully renovated Abbey. It’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen. There are three floors of stacks and the floors are glass, so you see directly below you. Each shelf has a row of rope lights almost. It looks like it’s straight out of a movie. I spent all day there giddy like a little school girl listening to audio tapes and reading, all in English. I think it will take me a few days yet to muster up the courage to tackle the French. I’ve learned that Foucault is almost as difficult to understand as his handwriting. The handwriting wins out though cause it’s in French.

Lunch was also quite the experience. It turns out that the Abbey hosts conference luncheons. I was surrounded by 60 excited francophones, who, inspired by hunger I suppose, taught me there is no directionality in a buffet line apparently. If you wanted food you just had to bully your way in and grab it, and not walk down the line in order. I gave in after trying to go in a line from one end and then from the other. Politeness and order are overrated any way, so no complaint. I’ve also found that wine and coffee are like water in France. Served and drank at every meal. The wine was really good and a fellow scholar, sitting at the designated scholars table with me, kept trying to fill my glass. He kept insisting and finally said in broken English “the more you drink the better your studying will go, I have always found that.” Amen my friend amen.

The food was phenomenal, even though I was unsure of what half of it was, and by the end I was so full I thought I might be sick. Otherwise the lunch was sad because I sat in silence while the 3 other visiting scholars talked excitedly in French. They’d always look to me for my agreement and I only smiled. It’s sad they all think I’m foolish. It’s perhaps even sadder they might be right. Honestly though, it’s tragic to be sitting with some of the most brilliant Foucault scholars and not be able to speak a word. One scholar who can understand English but can’t speak it had a funny conversation with me at lunch in which he spoke to me in French and I responded in English. I actually wasn’t doing too badly, surprisingly. Because the subject matter is pretty basic, I was able to understand. It turns out that he is from Thailand but has been living in France for the past 15 years. He translated Deleuze and now Foucault into Chinese, the first person to make the works accessible to those who speak Chinese. Amazing! The woman I mentioned yesterday, who works here told me not to feel bad because several scholars come who can’t speak French and that I just came on a down time, when there happens to not be anyone. Just my luck.

I did more studying in the afternoon followed by exploring around the grounds of the abbey and I managed to get into a beautiful garden. It was kind of like the secret garden. My night then ended on a downer. Dinner was just 6 of us and three of the people who joined us worked at IMEC. I was quiet as usual for about 40 minutes and then a woman who worked there said in english "You're studying Foucault right?" "Oui" I said. And she says "ah yes I've heard about you. (*me thinking, super I'm the talk of the archives*) You don't speak French right?" The other two employees gasped "you don't speak French? well then why are you here?" I tried explaining that my school gave me money no questions asked, and I can read some french and many of the lecture tapes are in english, and how I am trying and wanted to learn French and make the most of it for my thesis. And the woman just angrily replied that "There's no way I can know anything about Foucault or have anything to say about him if I don't speak French." Then they started speaking in french, gesturing at me, and from what I gather it was to the effect of "what a silly university who sends a girl here that can't speak a word." I just hung my head. Noticing my frown the woman asked if I could understand what they were saying and I said yes and then goodnight in french and left. I guess you win some you lose some. I just think I'll eat more quickly from now on and spare myself. I think more time in the flower garden I found will cheer me up.

Well I must go do some work. Attached are some pics of my room and the building I'm staying in. More pics from my walk will come tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Lost In Translation

Song of the moment: Fortunate Fool- Jack Johnson
Dose of amusement: dedicated to vagsam and inspired by a special request by lo (if you think it's funny, imagine me doing it as my final anal. perf. piece as a sexy sex ed teacher :p)
Foucault quote of the day: "Don't think that by saying yes to sex, you're saying no to power"
Philosophical q of the day: If there were no liars would there still be lies?

Well I'm happy to report that I am writing from my destination, the Ardenne Abbey in the middle of beautiful rolling hills and mooing cows. Seriously, they greeted me, it was cute. But I must say that after a day like today it is a miracle that I'm here. Where to begin? At the top I suppose.

So after 11 and a half hrs on a plane, only sleeping one of those (partially because Ryan Gosling makes a hot lawyer in Fracture- and for the record i have not watched the notebook and i refuse cause it looks like crap, there i said it :p), I found myself in Charles de Gaulle airport. Before getting off the plane a french woman was making fun of my suitcase saying "stupid americans, who brings a suitcase that size to europe," asking a few people around her if it was theirs. I hung my head, not wanting to fight. Apparently you're only supposed to bring the clothes on your back when traveling. Regardless, I'm rather proud that I brought everything I need for two weeks and all my thesis books in a small carry on suitcase which I could easily lift above my head. I think it's the lightest I've packed in my life. My awesome single serving friend (if you haven't seen fight club we're not friends any more :p) who was starting her study abroad assued me it was okay.

Being France hit me exactly when I thought it would: the moment I passed through customs and went to navigate public transportation knowing little to no French. Now to preface- the moral of today's story will surely be what you are currently thinking "sarah, remind me why the hell you went to France when you can't speak a word." Point taken and granted. But if a school gives you a $3,000 summer, no q's asked, and you haven't studied abroad you take and run. So at the end of this I am bound to have one heck of an adventure. Plus, I can name at least 6 ppl who spent theirs on kegs. So to each her/his own posion

Any who, back to the progression of the day. I managed to get on my first RER train, which is like the metra. It goes kind of to the suburbs and is a bit more expensive and faster then a metro/el. I realized that paying for a ticket is hard when the prices aren't posted and I can't count past ten, but handing the woman the biggest bill I had did the trick. To bounce back I tried to feign confidence in where I was going, hoping I could convincingly play a snobby french woman which requires no words. That was quickly shattered when a gorgeous french boy approached me. Renaked told me not to smile at boys because it means I want to have sex with them, and after realizing my mistake I tried to force a frown. Apparently he was asking me to close the windown on the train which was open a bit. I got it after the gestures and an incredulous look. Just my luck the window was broken, which meant I had to keep closing it every few minutes, afraid I'd get yelled at again. The next transfer was my only official slip up. I accidentally took a train one stop in the wrong direction which I realized right away and figured I'd just get off and to back the opposite way. Well apparently going one stop put me in a new "zone" so I had to buy a completely new ticket to go back. Anyone who told me everyone speaks english lied. I only encountered one person who spoke english the whole trip. Don't get me wrong, that's totally cool. I hate that ignorant "everyone should speak english" bs. I'm in france I should be speaking french. So it's definitely my fault, but was frustrating none the less. Finally I managed to get on the right train and eventually figured out how to transfer to the train to Caen after a conductor yelled at me until I gave him money for a new ticket.

A few things I learned in the portion of the trip: sometimes signs will point you in the right direction and then just completely stop out of no where; a train's name doesn't always indicate which direction it's going in (ie a purple line linden train wouldn't go to linden); some trains only go half way; and trains heading in the same direction but to different points are on completely different platforms. good times.

Once on the train in caen it turns out I was sitting in some guy's seat, even though no one else but this guy seemed to have an assigned seat. He yelled at me, and then when I gave myself up, pathetically uttering in french that I'm sorry but I don't speak french and handed him my ticket, he realized there was no seat assignment and apologized while still making me move. Finally, I took two buses. To get to a bus a kind man explained to me in english where to go as I stood looking confused. It turns out, that if it says it's a transfer point for a bus, that means that somewhere with in two blocks in no particular direction could be one of the lines you need to transfer to. And if you find the line going in the wrong direction you can't just cross to the other side of the street but need to go a few blocks in two different directions. Needless to say, after this the cta can bring it cause I'm ready.

Sorry for that long ass rant about public transportation, I realized now that it's pathetic and my apologies. But navigating a foreign land for 4 hrs on public transportation (15 hrs traveling on 1 hr of sleep) was quite the adventure. The public transportation system in france is also really nice and clean, and I'm sure it's easy to use if you speak even the slightest French. So any of my issues can be attributed to my incompetence. The highlight of the traveling though was hearing a girl who had "suavemente" on her ringer. That's goin out to you marina ;) I almost started singing, and then remembered the aim of the game was to look pissed off at all times, and when in rome...

At last I found myself at my destination, the beautiful Abbey. Pictures will come tomorrow, as I am exhausted. Fortunately, the one woman who speaks english at the Abbey was working today and was very helpful. She also gave me a much needed cup of coffee, breaking my two week long detox from any caffinated product (which is quite the accomplishment given I was having a huge thermos of coffee, a soda, and a double shot of expresso to get me through my work day and dancing habit). She introduced me to the Directer of the archives who greeted me with a long and warm welcome of which I understood nothing. The woman explained that I could read but not speak french and the woman said "You do know that Foucault writes in French?" Ouch. That was some colder than ice stuff there. I nodded my head and said "oui." (for the record, the abbey has stuff in both french and english)

Demoralized, I was ready to give up on the day, so exhausted I was sure the whole day had to be a dream. But it turns out dinner isn't served monday nights so I needed to bike to the grocery store. Well it turns out that I haven't biked since I was, oh about 6. The fact that the bike was made for a 6' 10'' man and they couldn't lower the seat didn't help either. I had to stand on my tippy toes with one foot and quickly swing the other leg over before I fell. I almost ate it every time I stopped because I would have to let the bike fall a bit before my feet could touch the ground. After traveling on streets with no names, making my map useless, and realizing that I had foolishly set out looking for a grocery store without knowing what grocery store was in french I contemplated how long I could go with out food, and if the answer was not very, which cow would go first :p. Then, miraculously, I found it. I picked up a scrumptious dinner of fresh french bread, brie, grapes, and the biggest bottle of syrah I could find and suddenly the grocery store was my new favorite place. All I needed to know was "pardon" and "merci" to make my way in and out.

And that my friends is where I currently sit, enjoying a good glass of syrah in bed. Contrary to the day's events, life is indeed good. Tomorrow I have the dreadful task of meeting the scholars a breakfast. I don't know a soul and the woman informed me that I'm the only person my age, and the only person who doesn't speak french staying. super. at least the isolation will inspire me to work. this whole thing still seems like a dream.

well sorry for the long email, i promise to try and keep it short in the future. i couldn't help it since today was a day of a lot of firsts. i'm going to watch the devil wears prada...err i mean, i don't own it...err crap. I outed myself. It will be nice to listen to someone talk and understand for the first time today and I figure since it's in paris, and it taught me my second most popular phrase today:
J'suis désolé (i'm sorry). And i also must practice some new phrases renee taught me, seriously, renee has saved my life on this trip. i'm proud to be bearing her child in return.

Well night all, I hope all is well in your worlds! i miss you!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

Song of the moment: My Sundown- Jimmy Eat World
Dose of amusement: the rationality of crack
Foucault quote of the day: “Freedom of conscience entails more dangers than authority and despotism.”

Haha that’s right my friends, I’m off to France tomorrow and that is the only phrase I know. That jam “Lady Marmalade” was definitely good for something. Joel’s sentiments on the matter were:

GURL...going to france for the summer knowing only how to ask a guy to have sex with you in french is bound to make for some AMAZING stories...GO FOR IT! and take a picture of the chanel boutique in paris...and buy a gown from escada...and a scarf from hermes...and some perfume from creed...oy...just GO!!!!!

Sadly my grant money won’t stretch that far. Actually, thanks to Renaked and Lo I have a little French under my belt, at least enough to function, hopefully. If not it should still be a fun trip, as long as I get there.

So for those of you who don’t know I’m heading here. Its a renovated Abbey that was damaged in World War II, located just outside of Caen in the Normandy region. It is home to the largest collection of works and unpublished documents of the French post-modern philosopher Michel Foucault who I’m writing my thesis on. More on my thesis later. And it hosts scholars from around the world. Ooo la la, me a scholar! That will be a fun role to play for a few days. Being a scholar is actually pretty hott.

Well, I think with those links that’s enough to chew on for today. This whole blog thing is kind of strange, forgive me if I’m not too good at it yet.

After being on a plane for 11 hrs and 3 hrs of public transportation tomorrow and Monday I will hopefully end up in the beautiful Abbey in the middle of those beautiful rolling hills. If not I’ll be in a café somewhere commiserating my inability to navigate public transportation with a cute French boy a over a good Bordeaux. Au revoir my friends, off to a new and more enlightened me!