Saturday, August 25, 2007

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

Song of the moment: My Sundown- Jimmy Eat World
Dose of amusement: the rationality of crack
Foucault quote of the day: “Freedom of conscience entails more dangers than authority and despotism.”

Haha that’s right my friends, I’m off to France tomorrow and that is the only phrase I know. That jam “Lady Marmalade” was definitely good for something. Joel’s sentiments on the matter were:

GURL...going to france for the summer knowing only how to ask a guy to have sex with you in french is bound to make for some AMAZING stories...GO FOR IT! and take a picture of the chanel boutique in paris...and buy a gown from escada...and a scarf from hermes...and some perfume from creed...oy...just GO!!!!!

Sadly my grant money won’t stretch that far. Actually, thanks to Renaked and Lo I have a little French under my belt, at least enough to function, hopefully. If not it should still be a fun trip, as long as I get there.

So for those of you who don’t know I’m heading here. Its a renovated Abbey that was damaged in World War II, located just outside of Caen in the Normandy region. It is home to the largest collection of works and unpublished documents of the French post-modern philosopher Michel Foucault who I’m writing my thesis on. More on my thesis later. And it hosts scholars from around the world. Ooo la la, me a scholar! That will be a fun role to play for a few days. Being a scholar is actually pretty hott.

Well, I think with those links that’s enough to chew on for today. This whole blog thing is kind of strange, forgive me if I’m not too good at it yet.

After being on a plane for 11 hrs and 3 hrs of public transportation tomorrow and Monday I will hopefully end up in the beautiful Abbey in the middle of those beautiful rolling hills. If not I’ll be in a café somewhere commiserating my inability to navigate public transportation with a cute French boy a over a good Bordeaux. Au revoir my friends, off to a new and more enlightened me!